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Dynamic Share for Your Updates

Livedition lets you create dynamic links and QR codes that always deliver the latest edition of your content. Update once, and your audience will always get the most recent version.

About Livedition

Simplify, Control and Share Your Content

Livedition's story began with the vision of making dynamic content sharing easier for content creators and businesses.

With focus on simplicity and ease of use sets us apart, making content updates and distribution perfect for any application.

office content 1office content 2
Plataform Stats¹

We didn't reinvent the wheel, but we made it easy to developers.

Some numbers that we're proud of and we're working to improve. These analytics are the portrait of what we are building

¹ These statistics reference the DynaQR platform that is behind livedition

Users worldwide
API uptime
2 Years
QR Codes,
and counting
About Me

Get to know the mind behind Livedition

I am a passionate developer and entrepreneur. I have been working with QR Code applications in the last 2 years and discovered that there is a lot of room for improvement in this area.

I am currently doing a exchange program in Lisbon, and interested in opening a Startup, for this I am acquiring knowledge through events and networking on how I can take the first steps.

office content 1office content 2

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